Creating client accounts

2021-01-07Last updated

To add video units and assign an administrator username to one or more Stratocast™ accounts, you must first create a client account.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have the required contact information for both the client and the account administrator.

What you should know

You can create multiple sites for a single client account and have each site managed by the same administrator username. For example, let's assume that your client has multiple stores, each with its own set of users and assigned video units. With a multi-account username, you can create an account for each of those stores (thereby creating multiple sites), and assign the same client administrator username to manage each of those sites.


  1. Click Clients > Create a client account .
  2. Enter the following and then click Next:
    Account name
    The name of your client’s account. This is the name that the client is identified by in the Client accounts page.
    The country that the client is located in. The country that you select is used to choose the closest data center to your individual clients.
    Important: Selecting the correct country ensures that your client's data travels the quickest and shortest possible route to get to Stratocast™.
    Time zone
    The time zone that the client is located in.
    Client reference number
    A reference number that is used to identify this client in your accounting system. The client reference number is included in your billing statements.
    Subscription term
    The duration of the term of your client's Stratocast™ subscription. For information about subscriptions, see
    Important: You can only change the subscription term if the client account does not have any cameras in the Enrolled state. Once cameras are enrolled, any changes to the subscription term will take effect only after the current term ends. For example, if an account is moved from an annual to a monthly term, the monthly billing frequency will only take effect once the current annual term ends.
  3. In the Client address section, enter the client's address and then click Next.
    Note: The country that was entered on the previous section (Account information) is displayed in the Country field. If you need to change it, return to the Account information section.
  4. In the Client administrator section, enter the client administrator’s full name and the following:
    The language of the user interface. The user must log off and then log on for this change to take effect.
    Identity provider
    The Internet site that provides the user with their user account, which enables single sign-on access to the system.
    The username of the valid user account that is required to log on to the system. To better manage your accounts, you can add the same username to multiple Stratocast™ accounts and for different user levels. For example, the same username can be assigned for an integrator user in one account and a client administrator in another account.
    Note: The Username field can only be edited after the user has activated their account.
  5. (Optional) Clear the Same as username check box, and enter an email address if you want the user to receive emails at a different email address to the one in the Username field. Select this check box if you want the Username and Email address values to be the same.
  6. Click Create.
The Account state column changes from Creating to Active. The client account is created.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

After you finish