No motion data on homepage for Stratocast™ client account

2018-05-02Last updated

The No motion data to display error message is displayed in a camera tile on the Home page dashboard for client account.


There was no motion data in the last 8 hours.

The following message is displayed in the camera tile on the Home page dashboard.

There are several situations where the No motion data to display message can appear in a camera tile:
  • The camera subscription is using edge recording.
  • Motion detection is disabled for the camera.
  • The camera did not detect any motion.
  • The camera was offline.
  • Any combination of the above.


To restore motion data:
  1. If the camera subscription is using edge recording, no motion data is available.
    Note: The Home page dashboard does not support motion results for edge recording.
  2. If motion detection is disabled, contact your System Integrator to enable motion detection.
  3. If there was no motion, contact your System Integrator to adjust the motion threshold so that motion data is received.
  4. If the camera was offline, ensure the camera is online, by checking the connection to the router.